


Nginx Version Number Rules Details

Version Number Rules#

The version number of Nginx is officially defined as:

Major Version.Minor Version.Patch Version

There is no strict meaning or restriction for the version number, so compatibility issues need to be confirmed when upgrading versions.

The meaning of each digit in the version number is as follows:

  • Major Version: Increase the major version number when there are non-backward compatible changes.
  • Minor Version: Increase the minor version number when backward compatible new features are added.
  • Patch Version: Increase the patch version number when backward compatible issues are fixed.

For example:

  1. The current LTS version is 1.22.2, which represents two patch versions.

  2. The current mainline version is 1.23.4, and there have been four patch versions this year.

LTS Version Naming Rules#

The LTS version of Nginx generally has a support cycle of two years or more. In general, versions with even numbers are considered LTS versions. 1.16.x, 1.18.x, 1.20.x, and 1.22.x are recognized as LTS versions by the official.

Notes on Nginx Version Usage#

  • LTS versions are recommended for production environments.
  • LTS versions are also recommended for container builds.
  • LTS versions should be updated promptly when updates are available.
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